
As an artist and individual,
 I believe our purpose extends beyond mere financial pursuits. Contributing to the well-being of others has been a fundamental part of my life.

Since 2014, I’ve been involved in charity work, focusing on supporting schools in rural areas. Through volunteers and social media, we’ve secured sponsorships, providing supplies to over 100 children monthly. During floods, our team distributed food, supplies, and organized medical camps for thousands. In recent years, I collaborated closely with disabled people associations, connecting them with overseas friends for valuable assistance. Our main goal is to positively impact children’s education and well-being, connecting sponsors with kids discreetly. This approach has significantly impacted numerous kids’ lives .

Charity Project 1

Thanks to generous friends on Facebook from all over the world, we’ve been able to make dreams come true for Patithalawa School Gampola . We’ve provided book lists, shoes, books for the library, and sponsorships for the kids.  With the support of caring friends on Facebook worldwide, we’ve made dreams come true for Kaluwathanna School (Ratnapura ) kids too.

Charity Project 2

One of my dreams is to find sponsors for low-income families and provide them with the assistance needed for education. Here are a few sponsors from around the world helping us make this dream a reality.

Charity Project 3

Through social media, we initiated Senehase Hamudawa to assist those affected by the dangerous floods we’ve encountered. Our mission was challenging: providing three meals and medicine for people in camps. As a team, we worked tirelessly for almost two weeks. Later, with the support of Facebook friends and donations from overseas, we organized a medical camp in Bomiriya Kaduwela.

Charity Project 4

Through donations from the Brisben Australia team and Friends of the USA, we assisted over 400 students at Bomiriya School with essential school supplies. It was a significant project that we successfully managed.

Charity Project 5

I had the fortunate opportunity to celebrate Awurudu with visually impaired and disabled individuals, bringing joy to their day through gift donations.

Charity Project 6

I have wonderful friends, including Priyanga Aiya, who are genuinely committed to assisting low-income families and kids in Sri Lanka. Over the years, we’ve successfully helped numerous families, bringing smiles to their faces. I’m deeply grateful to him for his continuous efforts in brightening someone’s world from the other side of the globe.

Charity Project 7

Amid the challenges of COVID and a medicine crisis in Sri Lanka, I had the opportunity to join forces with friends overseas to support the community. A special mention to Kumari Akka, a constant helper in our county, as we collectively made a substantial medication donation to aid those in need.

Charity Project 8

Every year on World Children’s Day, I celebrate by gifting these kids and spending time engaging in drawing sessions with them.

A heartfelt thanks to the organizers who, every year, provide me with the opportunity to spend some time with them.
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